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Online in 24 Hours Clock

The internet is an amazing resource for businesses of all sizes. It has the ability to impact ROI in a very short amount of time. Here are few ideas that can get your company visible within 24 hours or less.

1) Local search can get you listed in about 15 minutes. A local search listing that is optimized can even jump to the top of local listings within a very short amount of time. I recently worked on a small business that rose to the top of the 10 pack just after claiming their listing.

2) Social media platforms take minutes to open and optimized for your company. Search engines index social media platforms in real time and will give you results fast. I found that new twitter profiles get indexed quicker than a new domain name. When claiming your social profiles, choose vanity URLs if available and make sure you claim you add unique links to your site.

3) Paid advertising can have you up in about a couple of hours. Google, Yahoo, and Bing all allow you to pay for advertising on keywords relevant to your website. You could appear quicker but doing some keyword analysis will save you money and likely give you a better ROI on your investment.

4) Creating a blog is quick and easy. You can have a site with blog platforms like Typepad, WordPress, and Blogger and it’s free. This won’t have you visible in 24 hours or less in search engines but will help your other mediums like pay-per-click, social media, and local search. You can expect this to change though as Google moves to real time indexing.

With all the free resources getting online is quicker than ever. Tools like social media, local search, and blogs will have you online fast and visible to your key stakeholders. Are you online? Have you found that your company was visible within in 24 hours? Are there other tools that aren’t covered here? Share with us your thoughts and insights.